
The Department of Educational Administration, Faculty of Education, State University of Malang, was established in 1964 under the name of the Department of Education Management, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Airlangga, located in Malang. In the next development, FKIP Universitas Airlangga changed to the Faculty of Education, IKIP MALANG. A few years later it changed to the name of the Department of Administration and Education Supervision, abbreviated as ASP. Thus the ASP Department is one of the majors in FIP IKIP MALANG.

In 1972, for the third time, the ASP Department changed its name to the Department of Education Administration, abbreviated as AP. With the issuance of Government Regulation Number 5 of 1980 concerning the Organizational Structure of Higher Education, the Department of Educational Administration changed its name to the Department of Educational Administration, abbreviated as AP. The Department of AP FIP IKIP MALANG only has one study program, namely Education Administration. In subsequent developments, based on the results of meetings of AP Departments throughout Indonesia since 1993/1994, this study program was further developed under the name Education Management study program.

In 2000, in line with the institutional restructuring of IKIP MALANG to become Malang State University, the AP Department had one study program, namely Education Administration (AP). In 2019, with the delegation of the Masters and Doctoral programs from the Postgraduate Program to the Faculty of Education, the Masters and Doctoral Degree study programs in Educational Management became part of the Department of Educational Administration. Thus, currently the Department of Educational Administration consists of 3 study programs, namely undergraduate in Education Administration (AP), Masters in Education Management (MP) and Doctoral in Education Management (MP).

Sejarah jurusan AP dari tahun ke tahun sbb


1964 Department of Education Management, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Airlangga University in Malang
  The Department of Education Management FKIP Universitas Airlangga changed to the Faculty of Education, IKIP MALANG
  Department of Educational Administration and Supervision (abbreviated as ASP)
1972 Department of Education Administration (abbreviated as AP)
1980 Department of Education Administration (abbreviated as AP)
1993 The results of the meetings of the AP Department throughout Indonesia, the AP Department oversees a study program under the name Education Management.
2000 Along with the institutional restructuring of IKIP MALANG to become Malang State University, the AP Department has one study program, namely Education Administration (AP).
2019 With the delegation of the Masters and Doctoral programs from the Postgraduate Program to the Faculty of Education, the Masters and Doctoral Management Study Programs are part of the Department of Educational Administration. Thus, currently the Department of Educational Administration consists of 3 study programs, namely undergraduate of Education Administration (AP), Master of Education Management (MP) and Doctoral of Education Management (MP).


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